Okay how many of you goes out and buys their own wool and flax and weaves their own materials like they did back in the biblical days? ANYONE? Not me! I have a sewing machine that I got for Christmas three years ago sitting in my laundry room that has been turned on maybe one time! I don't even know how to use that, let alone weave the actual fabric for the clothing!!
So how can selecting wool and flax and working with eager hands apply to us in modern times, when we just run down to the nearest Walmart, Target, or Sears and buy some already made clothing? I'm glad you ask!
Back in biblical times a woman who could weave their own fabric was a very skilled woman. It took a lot of time, love and eagerness to accomplish something this detailed, and in my opinion still does! The process she had to go through in order to work with the wool, I can only imagine, was tough! Wool can be dense and curly making it hard to work with, so it takes a really patient, loving and determined person to do such a tedious skill.
While we in modern times might not do much weaving for ourselves or families with actual fabrics, we can do it spiritually with Christ. In the weaving process (from what I've researched) there are two different ways the yarn is used to keep the garment woven together. One of them is called "warp yarn" and the other which looks to be the foundation and what holds everything else together is called "Weft Yarn". Here is a photo of what it looks like:

I'm sure most of us have had a thread on a sweater or shirt come loose and what happens if we start to pull at that "Weft Yarn"? The entire shirt starts to unravel! If that foundation of the weaving is pulled out or disturbed, frayed, or snagged, it can destroy the entire garment!
Same with our foundation in Christ. We as the "heart" and weavers of Christ, have a job to do in our families, we are to be skilled and eager to pick the best things for our families, our husbands, and children. We want to weave Christ into every area of our children's lives as well as our own and our husbands. Our job as the heart of the home, is to guard the little hearts in our home. How can we do that? By choosing the best "yarn" to weave throughout their lives. Making good choices for their hearts by protecting them from damaged yarn, or frays, so that they wont unravel. One thing that a husband loves more than anything about a wife is knowing that she loves and cares for his children, and teaches them well.
Weaving Christ into our family starts at the heart, your heart. You have to be eager to do this and then start developing that skill to smooth out the dense curly wool that covers our children's hearts, our own hearts, and our husbands hearts, and weave it into something beautiful. When a fabric is woven together correctly it will not come apart, same with our families! When a family is woven together correctly, with Christ as our foundation, it will not unravel!
What do you really do every day to weave Christ into not only your life but into your relationship with your husband, into your children's lives? Do you spend time reading your bible with your children? Do you spend time in prayer with your children? What they see in you is what will end up in their hearts.
So our challenge this week is to make a firm foundation and weave Christ into our families in every area. If you are already doing this GREAT! But I'm sure there could be some improvement somewhere! So for our challenge this week, lets start making sure that you get some quiet time not only in reading your bible, but also in prayer and lets include our children in that time. Not just reading to them, or praying for them, or bedtime prayers, but actually setting aside "prayer time" and "bible time" to read out loud or even pray out loud so they can hear your heart, and start to build that foundation in their own hearts. You can do this with your husband as well, but however you choose to do it, make sure your children are included.
Sometimes I'll just pray in the car while driving and the girls are in the back, or while I'm doing dishes just start praying out loud. This will also help with their own prayer lives.
Now if you do not have children or are a expectant mommy, you can still work on yourself, pray for your future children, and also maybe ask your husband to join you in that prayer and even your devotion time this week. If your husband is not a believer or chooses not to participate with you, continue to include your children, and in your private prayers, pray that God will open his heart to what you are trying to do.
I'm so excited about this new challenge! With God as our foundation we can only become stronger women and better wives and mothers.
Make sure to head over the the discussion tab, on the facebook page and stay active. The more active you stay the easier it is to continue with the challenge because you will have support from other women who are going through the same thing.
Also After 10:00pm tonight we will start a new list of entries for the end of the month drawing for July, so make sure you help to grow this ministry by putting a link on your facebook status and then commenting on the wall of the facebook page to let me know you did it. You will also get an extra entry for participating in the discussion forum on the facebook page.
Praying for you all this week!
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