Okay so I've been a huge slacker this week with posting! So sorry it's late, but at least you got a few extra days to not have to worry about a Challenge ;)
So this week in keeping with our verse this month Prov. 31:13 " She Selects wool and flax and works with eager hands." Our challenge this week is going to be to "Work with eager hands."
Lets look at the definition of "EAGER":
Having or showing keen interest, intense desire, or impatient expectancy.
I can't honestly say that I get up every morning "eager" to start my day as a mother, wife, and homemaker. Most days I dread getting out of bed to look at my pile of laundry & dishes, not to mention the changing the baby's morning blow outs that start my mornings off JUST wonderfully! Then at the end of a busy day after being with three kids all day long in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy, I can't honestly say I am always "eager" to prepare, and make dinner for my husband who is returning home from a long day of work himself.
Now the kids bedtime, I get "eager" for on those long days, but being eager to clean and cook and change diapers and re-clean the same room 3 times during the same day and vacuum the same room 3 times is not my idea of something to be eager to do!
The things in my day I do become eager about is wanting to cuddle with my kids and husband, wanting to teach my children about Christ on a daily basis, finding tools and resources to teach them about Christ, eating that home cooked meal at the end of a long day. The best part of my day that I am most eager for, is when my husband comes through the door, grabs me tight, looks in my eyes and kisses me hello like it's the first time he has ever kissed me.
Sometimes that kiss I am so "eager" for at the end of the day, gets distracted when he comes home. It gets distracted by the mess the girls made again in the living room while I was in the kitchen trying to prepare dinner, or gets distracted by the pile of laundry that didn't make it into the washer today because I was too busy with the kids, or just didn't feel like it. Or some days it gets distracted by the rush to get the whole family out the door and loaded into the car to go get some dinner because I didn't feel like making it that day.
So much of that mess could have been avoided if I could have just worked with "eager hands" all day every day. My husband understands how hard it is with three little ones and being pregnant so he doesn't always expect the house to be SPOTLESS, but he works all day and my job is the house and the kids, and the last thing I want is him to come home to a dirty house and feel like he has to work more, or feel like our home isn't a place he WANTS to be to relax.
Also by being "eager" to keep a clean house, it allows you to have MORE free time during the day to to the things that you LOVE and are passionate about. Where as, if your house is unclean, it just always feels like you can't relax because there is always something else to do!
A great website that has helped me develop a good routine is www.flylady.com. If you are a busy mom or wife this site will really help you to get everything done that needs to be done in order to have a clean home.
So this week I challenge you to "work with eager hands." Wake up CHOOSING to desire a clean house this week. And CHOOSING to keep those hands moving throughout the day to make your house a home for your husband to come home to. And if you are already good at keeping a clean house, just go deeper, de-clutter, disinfect those toys that haven't been wiped down in a while, wash those curtains etc. Remember When you change your environment you change your life!"
Praying for you all this week! Make sure you head over to the Facebook Page in the discussion tab for this week and let us know how it's coming!! When you post this week you will earn 2 entries into the end of the month drawing for July!
Keep it up ladies, your doing fantastic!!
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