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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Challenge #3: June 16-June 22, 2010

Proverbs 31:12 "She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."

So last week was a little intense for me! Even though I felt as I posted I didn't have much to work on last week because I've been working on not being demanding and aggressive in that area for a while, God really showed me that even though I might be good at asking nicely for my husband to pass the salt or grab me a diaper, didn't mean I've fully mastered not being aggressive and demanding in other areas. And this week God totally ripped me apart in that area. Who knew that such a small thing could make such a HUGE difference!

So far the last few weeks we've worked on, Not talking badly about our husbands to others, and not being demanding and aggressive. This week, is going to be tough!! We are going to work on not "NAGGING and COMPLAINING!!

I am totally guilty of being the "nagging wife" at times. There are a few issues that I have with my husband that I tend to revert to nagging. One in particular I've prayed over for 5 entire years and still have to pray daily that I will let God take care of it instead of nagging my husband to do what I expect.

I really have an amazing husband, one who never complains when he comes home from a long day at work to a messy house and has to pick up dinner on the way home. One who is willing to go to the grocery store for me so I don't have to go myself. He is always ready and willing to accept my short comings and faults because he knows that I do the best that I can during the day, why can't I do that for him? Why can't I go through one week without saying "honey, I asked you to do this, you said you would and you haven't!"

Again here we are back to those little things again. Little things that add up and become something huge!! Out of curiosity, I looked up the word "NAGGING" in the bible and found this Judges 16:16 "With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was tired to death."

Nagging doesn't just cause aggravation to our husbands, or irritation. We can complain and nag about things so often and be so negative about things that it will wear on our husbands and maybe not cause them physical death, but mental and spiritual. Having someone constantly nag you with things can eventually wear away at you and cause a spiritual death, resulting in them not wanting to be intimate with you,or spend time with you, but feeling like they need to pull away from you in order to revive themselves.

Nagging and complaining can be very harmful to our husbands! Another verse I came across is Proverbs 24:15 "A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day" This made me think about something they do in the military. I've heard of where they have a constant drip of water on someone's head for a long period of time and they end up going crazy! I'm sure none of us ever have had the intention of making our husbands crazy or even being the cause of a spiritual death for them, so lets take up this challenge and really work hard on it this week!

A few weeks ago, I saw that our trash in our bathroom was overflowing into the floor. My girls like to get up in the mornings and take off their pull-ups and throw their pee filled diapers in there, so after time it becomes a nasty, overflowing, stinky mess! I remember standing in the bathroom thinking, "GOSH I wish he would take out the trash without me asking him once in a while!" So...I resisted the urge to say something, prayed and asked God to handle it, and later that evening I went in there to use the bathroom and all the trash was gone!! It saved me from being the nagging wife, and him from being angry and irritated at me for trying to tell him what to do, and everyone was happy!!

So instead of "nagging and complaining" this week to our husbands, get out that prayer journal and WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!! Write your nags and complaints in there, give them to God not your husband and watch what God does with them!! Remember he is better at handling our husband than we are! Also, if there is something that you need him to do...make a "Honey do" list for him and put it on the fridge, but also make one for yourself so that he isn't singled out. This will help with having to repeat yourself over and over, and will keep you from turning into a "nagging wife."

Make sure you praise your husband not just once this week, but once a day this week for something he has done for you! Lets increase the positive and decrease the negative.

Prayers for you this week, I know this is going to be a tough one for some of us. It seems for me the more I dive into this challenge the more challenging it becomes and the more satan has been at work in our marriage. But we can "overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony" Rev 12:11. Hide this verse in your heart this week during the battle.

Don't forget to head over to the "discussion" tab this week and let us know how your doing! If you haven't done it for last week, do that too! And also remember to invite your friends to come join us, and help to grow this ministry, you never know whose marriage you could help just by inviting them to join us!

Prayers, and HUGS!!

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