Proverbs 31:12: "She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."
This is week 1 of our "Proverbs 31 Wife Challenge" and for the next 30 days we will be concentrating on bringing good, not harm to our husbands. When you first read this verse it can catch you off guard a bit if you don't really think about it. My first thought was something like "why would I ever try to bring him harm!" or "he should know that I only want good for him."
As the closest woman/person in our husbands lives we have the power to hurt him and bring him harm more than anyone else. We also have a choice of using that power for good, not harm. Most of the time, we harm our husbands by our actions and words, or by belittling him and we don't even realize it until it's too late. This can result in loosing his trust, or respect and sometimes even quality time.
How is it you ask, that we can harm our husbands? By allowing our words to tearing him down, throwing the past in his face, never speaking an encouraging word, not being thoughtful of him, not allowing him to take his rightful place in the household, speaking badly of him to others or being demanding, nagging or aggressive at times are just some examples. Sometimes we just don't think before we speak and things that we don't even realize are hurtful to him come out.
If you took a single needle and poked yourself in the arm with it, yes it hurts, but is tolerable and forgettable. However put 1000 needles all together and jam them into your back or arm and the pain is even greater, and probably by that point intolerable, and completely unforgettable!
Men have a tenancy to keep things inside at times just to keep the peace. They will just take it and not address the way you've talked to them or your hurtful words. Even though it is just a bunch of little tiny pin pricks that they have been quiet about, once those few pin pricks turn into a bunch, it becomes unbearable to them. I don't know about you but I don't want my husband to think of his time with me as unbearable.
So for this week we are going to work how you speak about your husband to others. Do you complain about him? About the things he does, or does not do or wish he did or did not do? Or, do you speak highly of him and how blessed you are to have him in your life, and how amazing he is and build him up to others?
Remember that love covers all things (1Peter4:8) it does not destroy and uncover. A way to show love and respect to our husband and protect him from harm, is to keep him covered and not expose his flaws to the world. Instead pray about the problems! This week, create a prayer list for your husband of things that bother you and pray through them anytime you feel the need to complain or talk to someone about it. Go to the Lord first, and then Praise your husband before all people. Also make sure he hears, or sees you doing this at least one time this week!
I'll be posting a discussion board on the facebook page for you all to discuss your progress this week, and what was hard for you what was easy. Please feel free to even to give examples of ways you have in the past torn your husband down or spoke about him badly to others, and also ways you have changed that. It's important for us to share with each other so we can be held accountable for our actions and it will be really awesome to go back a year from now and read what you wrote and how different things are for you then compared to now!
Also don't forget to post a link to the "Proverbs 31 wife challenge" on your facebook page to encourage other people to join in with us. Send me a message of the people who you referred and for each person who joins, you and them, will be entered into the drawing at the end of the month for a special prize!! Even though we have already started it's never too late for someone new to join in!!
God bless!! Love you all and praying that God will transform us this week!!
As the closest woman/person in our husbands lives we have the power to hurt him and bring him harm more than anyone else. We also have a choice of using that power for good, not harm. Most of the time, we harm our husbands by our actions and words, or by belittling him and we don't even realize it until it's too late. This can result in loosing his trust, or respect and sometimes even quality time.
How is it you ask, that we can harm our husbands? By allowing our words to tearing him down, throwing the past in his face, never speaking an encouraging word, not being thoughtful of him, not allowing him to take his rightful place in the household, speaking badly of him to others or being demanding, nagging or aggressive at times are just some examples. Sometimes we just don't think before we speak and things that we don't even realize are hurtful to him come out.
If you took a single needle and poked yourself in the arm with it, yes it hurts, but is tolerable and forgettable. However put 1000 needles all together and jam them into your back or arm and the pain is even greater, and probably by that point intolerable, and completely unforgettable!
Men have a tenancy to keep things inside at times just to keep the peace. They will just take it and not address the way you've talked to them or your hurtful words. Even though it is just a bunch of little tiny pin pricks that they have been quiet about, once those few pin pricks turn into a bunch, it becomes unbearable to them. I don't know about you but I don't want my husband to think of his time with me as unbearable.
So for this week we are going to work how you speak about your husband to others. Do you complain about him? About the things he does, or does not do or wish he did or did not do? Or, do you speak highly of him and how blessed you are to have him in your life, and how amazing he is and build him up to others?
Remember that love covers all things (1Peter4:8) it does not destroy and uncover. A way to show love and respect to our husband and protect him from harm, is to keep him covered and not expose his flaws to the world. Instead pray about the problems! This week, create a prayer list for your husband of things that bother you and pray through them anytime you feel the need to complain or talk to someone about it. Go to the Lord first, and then Praise your husband before all people. Also make sure he hears, or sees you doing this at least one time this week!
I'll be posting a discussion board on the facebook page for you all to discuss your progress this week, and what was hard for you what was easy. Please feel free to even to give examples of ways you have in the past torn your husband down or spoke about him badly to others, and also ways you have changed that. It's important for us to share with each other so we can be held accountable for our actions and it will be really awesome to go back a year from now and read what you wrote and how different things are for you then compared to now!
Also don't forget to post a link to the "Proverbs 31 wife challenge" on your facebook page to encourage other people to join in with us. Send me a message of the people who you referred and for each person who joins, you and them, will be entered into the drawing at the end of the month for a special prize!! Even though we have already started it's never too late for someone new to join in!!
God bless!! Love you all and praying that God will transform us this week!!
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