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Friday, June 4, 2010

Challenge Day 2

Today for me was easier than yesterday! Maybe it was cause I wasn't home all day and didn't have any temptations to complain, or maybe it was I didn't really have much to complain about today. Either way I could totally tell a huge difference today and could even see God working on me and my husband at the same time!

After my blog last night and confession of my slip up, I did go back and pray over it and ask God to change things before I talked to my husband about the cereal mess. Then this morning when I got up I walked into the living room and noticed there was no cereal under my toes!! He was even so excited about the fact that he did this for me he asked me if I noticed before I even did and I was very grateful!

The rest of my day with my husband today was spent with him being very loving towards me. It was such a hot day today and when we got to the car after a hour long soccer practice with our daughter, he started the car asked me to get in and he loaded all three kids, chairs, diaper bags, cups, and stroller so I did not have to be out in the heat!

It is just amazing to me how such a small thing and such a small prayer can make such a HUGE difference in both him and me!

I hope everyone is experiencing God working in their lives through this challenge as I have already over these last two days! I pray that God will continue to work our hearts and minds and mold us into the wives he wants us to be this week.

Please make sure you head over to the discussion tab on the facebook page and let us know how your week is going.

Looking forward to more transformation this week!! Keep at it Ladies your doing great!!

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