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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Challenge #12 September 28-October 4, 2010

Proverbs 31:15-16: She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.

Well here recently after having baby #4 I've noticed a huge change in my life especially. I have NO TIME TO BREATHE!! I'm on the go all day long! If one thing in my day gets off the entire day is a mess! I have NO TIME for phone calls, Internet, or reading anymore. And if I do decide to get on the phone, update some blogs or crack open a book...4 crying babies all the sudden emerge from nowhere needing immediate responses to the deadly misquote bites, hair pulling sister, or hunger pains. Life in our household is very active and loud at the moment!

Last week I actually was having a strange sleeping schedule. For some reason I couldn't sleep past 4:45am. So every morning last week I was up before the sun! It really became quite enjoyable! There are so many things I can get done in those 2 hours of peace and quiet! I got up and checked email, had some coffee, did my bible study, had some exercise, showered, and made breakfast all before the little ones became conscious! I actually had some ME time! It was amazing!! Only problem was by the time 6:00pm rolled around, I was so exhausted I couldn't even hardly eat my dinner so I had to start drinking Coffee after dinner! Even then it only got me to 10:00pm!

This week I somehow went back to normal, I get to bed before 11 and haven't woken up will 8-9:00am. And this week is a nightmare! I get up do school with the girls, then it's lunch time, then I feed the baby, then naps, then cleaning, then feed the baby, then ON AND ON all day and into the night... I haven't gotten hardly a second of that peace and quiet that I've become so fond of in the early mornings!

So your challenge for this week Ladies is to look at your sleep schedule and when you get up in the mornings and get up 30-60 minutes earlier this week then you normally do, or than your kids normally do. In order to be good successful wives and mothers, we have to have that time to hear from the Lord in the mornings, or take our shower, or have quiet coffee! We have to have time to just be ourselves and take care of us so we can be better caretakers of our families. If you had an extra 30-60 minutes a day with no kids...what could you do??

Prayers this week ladies as you fast your sleep for the good of your souls. Make sure you head over to the facebook page and participate in the discussion this week! We're slacking a bit over there! Also don't forget to invite your friends to join us you never know whose marriage you will save!


1 comment:

  1. This is just what is needed....a few hours of "me" time with the Lord. I spend my day pouring into the girls and then discussing what my husband has read in his daily devotion but have found myself giving God a few minutes at the end of my day!!!! So I did change the time I wake up. Of course our infant is sleeping over six hours at night now. Previously I was waking to the sound of crying to feed the baby and then within thirty minutes the older two were awake wanting breakfast as well.

    Thanks for sharing this challenge and I will pass it along to others as well:)

    Encouraging one another in the LORD!
