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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Challenge #8 July 22-28, 2010

Prov 31:13 "She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands"

**Hello ladies, first of all just a note to let you know I am now 32.5 weeks along with baby #4 and will probably start getting a little behind on my postings until after the baby comes with all I need to do to get ready for her, so please be patient. But also please be eager to get to the next challenge! Just cause they are late does not mean they aren't coming!!

Last week we talked about protecting the hearts of our families through the things we watch, say, or bring into our home. This week we're going to talk about "Selecting the Best for our family" which goes right along with last week!

But this week, we are going to dig a little deeper into our hearts! We're going to examine our own hearts for selfishness.

This subject has been on my mind all week long! I've come in contact with so many people around me who want to make good selections for their families, but when it comes down to it, are not capable of putting their own wants and desires aside to make the best choices for their families.

When I think of this verse in Prov. 31:13, I picture a wife sitting down at a table looking through mounds of fabric. She picks out pieces that are pleasing and beautiful to her, however, her selection is for her husband and his taste is much different. So the wife puts aside her picks, and tries to pick the BEST materials that she thinks her husband would like!

If she had picked out a material that she would want him to wear, or she thought would look better on him even though he did not care for that material, I'm sure her husband would not have been very happy.

We all have our preference on how we want to run our households as a wife or mother. However, sometimes our preference isn't always BEST for our husband or our children.

I remember when my husband and I were about to get married, we were planning our honeymoon for two weeks in Cancun. I was totally excited to get new outfits. I ordered myself some tropical looking dresses and thought he should match me! So I also found him a few tropical beach shirts. Only really thinking of myself and how cute I thought we'd look together as newlyweds, I didn't really take into consideration his style. So when the shirts came in, he was very nice about it. He told me he would wear them cause they would be cooler on the beach, but that he probably wouldn't ever wear them again, and he hasn't!

That is just a small example of putting our own desires or preferences before others in our families. There are so many other ways we as women, mothers, and wives tend to do this daily.

So this week your challenge is to examine your heart with every selection, decision you make. Pray over your choice, make sure it isn't coming with selfish motives but with the BEST interest of your children and husband in mind. This can be anything from what type of dinner you make this week, does your schedule accommodate you or your husband and children, do you only clean when it's convenient for you, do you spend time with your kids besides TV? This can go all the way back to our last weeks challenge with what we watch, listen to or people we hang out with. Are we selecting the BEST most beautiful things for our families or are we selecting them according to our own desires?

Praying for you all this week, examining your own hearts can get pretty messy and ugly sometimes so hang in there and keep with it!

Remember from now till the end of the month you will be entered into the drawing to win the book "Captivating" by John & Stasi Eldredge by replying to discussion forums and even posting on the Facebook wall. Make sure you share this ministry with your friends, you never know whose marriage it will save!

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